Medieval Europe Website - 7th Grade World History

Lesson Summary
Working in groups of four, each student will be responsible for devising a specific element of a website that demonstrates the geographic, political, religious and social structures of medieval Europe.  Each group will present their website design to the class.  By secret ballot, the students will vote on the best website design and the winning team will have their website design placed on the Wall of Fame.

California Academic Standard(s)
7.6 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of the civilizations of medieval Europe.

Time Frame
One Week

The students will learn critical thinking skills in a team environment while acquiring knowledge about web technology and gaining a profound understanding of medieval Europe.

Learning Styles
  • Linguistic
  • Auditory
  • Social
  • Intrapersonal
  • Logical
  • Physical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will show examples of information-based websites to the class using the computer and overhead projector.  The instructor will describe how different websites provide information.

Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss key elements of medieval Europe.  The instructor will provide the students a handout with directions for the website project.  

Working in groups of four, you will create a website design and write the content for the website based on the following elements:
  • Geography – Demonstrate the topography, waterways, vegetation and climate of medieval Europe.  Map the spread of the bubonic plague and describe its impact on the world population.
  • Religion and Social Structures – Explain the role of the Catholic Church, the Spread of Christianity to northern Europe and the cause and result of the Crusades.
  • Economics – Show how the medieval European economy was affected by geography and the role of feudalism.
  • Politics – Describe the conflict and cooperation between the Papacy and European monarchs, the concept of “natural law” and the development of English legal and constitutional practices that led to modern democratic thought.
Each individual in the group will be responsible for writing the copy for one section of the website listed above.

Each group will work together to complete the design of the website, however the group will assign a creative director who will be responsible for the final design.  The design can be completed either using the computer or colored pencils.  The design will include a home page and a secondary copy page.

The copy for the website will be typed double-spaced.

Be creative and think different!

Modeling (10 min)
The instructor will use the whiteboard or overhead to demonstrate how to create a website design for the home page and the secondary page.

Guided Practice (Three 50 minute classes)
The instructor will assign groups of four.  The students will collaborate and discuss their roles in the group.  Each group will provide the instructor with the names of the students responsible for each task.  The students will use the computer lab or their textbooks to complete the assignment.  

Checks for Understanding (30 min)
Each group will present their website design to the class.  The website design will include both a home page and a secondary copy page.  The students will then vote by secret ballot on the best design.  Students may not vote for their own team.

Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will engage the class in a discussion regarding the copy of the website to summarize the key areas the students need to understand about medieval Europe.

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