Reconstructing Reconstruction - 8th Grade U.S. History

Lesson Summary
The students working in groups and independently will identify and understand key movements, laws and people from the viewpoint of either a Radical Republican, former Confederate or free slave.

California Academic Standard(s) 
  • 8.11 - Students analyze the character and lasting consequences of Reconstruction.
Time Frame
Class Time:  One and a half (50) minute classes
Total Time: Three to Four Days

The students will develop critical thinking, social and writing skills while identifying and understanding key movements, laws and people during the period of Reconstruction.

Learning Styles
  • Linguistic
  • Auditory
  • Social
  • Intrapersonal
  • Logical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will write (School, Friends, Fun) across on the top of the board.  On the side of the board down the instructor will write (You, Your Parents or Guardians).  The instructor will ask the students to provide the point of view of both you and your parent/guardian regarding school, friends and fun.  The instructor will allow the students two minutes to think about the question.  The instructor will call on random students to answer the question and write the answers on the board in the appropriate location.

Direct Instruction (15 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss the period of Reconstruction and how it affected the different regions of the country.  The instructor will write the following headings on the board: Radical Republican, Former Confederate and Free Slave.  The instructor will tell the students that they will develop at least three attributes for each heading on the board.

Modeling (5 min)
The instructor will write one attribute for each heading on the board (Radical Republican, Former Confederate, Free Slave).

Guided Practice (15 min)
The instructor will place the students in groups of two.  Each group, using the textbook or other resource material, will develop at least three attributes for the Radical Republican, Former Confederate and Free Slave.

Checks for Understanding (10 min)
The instructor will call on random groups to provide their attributes for each heading.  The instructor will write the answers on the board under the appropriate heading.  The students will write the answers in their notebook.

Direct Instruction (5 min)
The instructor will provide the following handout

A Reconstruction Viewpoint
Working independently, you will pretend to be either a Radical Republican, former Confederate of free slave.  As one of these individuals, you will provide a detailed explanation and opinion of the following:
  • 13th Amendment
  • 14th Amendment
  • 15th Amendment
  • Wade Davis Bill
  • Black Codes
  • KKK
  • Carpetbaggers
  • Scalawags
For each of these you must first provide a detailed explanation of what they are and then provide your opinion of them based on the individual you are pretending to be for the assignment.

Remember:  This is not your personal opinion.  

Modeling (5 min)
Using the computer and overhead, choose one of the Reconstruction individuals and provide a detailed explanation and opinion for one of the items listed (13th Amendment etc...)

Independent Study
The students will complete the Reconstruction Viewpoint assignment.

Checks for Understanding
The students will submit the assignment to the instructor.

Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will engage the students in a discussion regarding each item on the list (law, movement, people) and the potential opinion of each individual type (Radical Republican, former Confederate, Free Slave) during the Reconstruction era.

To support teachers across the country, I've created history lesson plans for secondary schools.  From 6th grade to 12th grade, les...