Communications Revolution - 11th Grade U.S. History

Lesson Summary
Working in groups and independently, the students will analyze the changes communications technology brought to the nation and describe how one of the major communications mediums can be incorporated to help a business or organization become more successful.

California Academic Standard(s)
  • 11.5.6 - Trace the growth and effects of radio and movies and their role in the worldwide diffusion of popular culture
  • 11.8.7 - Describe the effects on society and the economy of technological developments since 1945, including the computer revolution, changes in communications; advances in medicine and improvements in agricultural technology
Time Frame
 Two (50) minute classes (Great for Block)

The students will develop critical thinking, writing and social skills while understanding the revolutionary influences of 20th century communications technologies.

Learning Styles
  • Linguistic
  • Auditory
  • Social
  • Intrapersonal
  • Logical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set (10 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states "If the internet did not exist tomorrow, what are some elements of your life that would change?"  The instructor will allow the students two minutes to think about the question.  The instructor will call on random students to answer the question and write the answers on the board.

Direct Instruction (15 min)
The instructor will provide a brief lecture on how radio, television and the internet changed the culture of the country.  The instructor will write on the board or overhead:

How did each communications technology (Radio, Television, Internet) change the following:
  • Work life
  • Home life
  • Education
  • Military
  • Politics
  • Art/Music
Provide at least two reasons for each.

Modeling (10 min)
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will provide examples of how each communications technology of the 20th century affected some elements of society (work, politics etc...)

Guided Practice (15 min)
The instructor will place the students in groups of two.  The students will write at least two reasons on how the radio, television and the internet changed work life, home life, education, military, politics, art and music.

Checks for Understanding (10 min)
The instructor will call on random groups to provide answers about the different communications mediums and their influences on society.  The instructor will write the answers on the board.  The students will then submit their answers to the instructor.

Direct Instruction (10 min)
The instructor will provide the following handout to the students:

Communications Revolution
Pick one communications medium: radio, television, internet.  

You are a business owner (you may pick any legal business you want).  The communications medium you picked is just becoming popular.  To remain competitive, it is important that you incorporate the new communications technology into your business.

Please describe how you would use the new communications technology to help your business become more successful. Be specific and detailed.

Modeling (10 min)
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will use a business example and demonstrate how one of the 20th century communications technologies was used to enhance a business.

Independent Study (30 min)
The students will choose a business.  The students will then complete a paper about how to employ a communications medium to make a business more successful. 

Checks for Understanding
The students will submit the papers to the instructor

Direct Instruction (10 min)
The instructor will engage the students in a discussion regarding the communications technologies and how each student decided on how to use them to enhance a business.

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