The Students working in groups will establish and develop a presidential campaign. The campaign will include the promotion of a nominee for either the Democrat or Republican Party. Each candidate will be voted on by the class in a mock primary election.
California Academic Standard(s)
- 12.6.1 - Analyze the origin, development and role of political parties, noting those occasional periods in which there was only one major party or were more than two major parties.
- 12.6.2 - Discuss the history of the nomination process for presidential candidates and the increasing importance of primaries in general elections.
- 12.6.3 - Evaluate the roles of polls, campaign advertising and the controversies over campaign funding.
Four (50) minute classes
The students will develop critical thinking, writing and presentation skills while gaining a deep understanding of political campaigns and the election process.
Learning Styles
- Linguistic
- Auditory
- Social
- Logical
- Physical
Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states "What are examples of campaign promises a Democrat or Republican candidate might say?" The instructor will allow the students two minutes to think about the question. The instructor will write "Democrat" and "Republican" on the board and ask random students to provide answers for each political party and write the answers under the appropriate heading.
Direct Instruction (15 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss how potential presidential candidates portray themselves. The instructor will provide the following handout to the students:
The Presidential Candidate
Working in groups, you will establish a campaign for either a Democrat or Republican nominee for President. Each group will establish the following roles:
- Presidential Candidate - This individual will help establish the beliefs and campaign promises. This individual will be responsible for presenting the campaign to the class.
- Speech Writers - These individuals will be responsible for taking the campaign promises and writing a speech for the Presidential candidate to give to the class.
- Advertising Manager - This individual is responsible for taking the campaign promises and developing an advertising campaign. The advertising campaign will include a motto, a list of communications mediums to advertise and a campaign poster.
The campaign speech needs to be between five and seven minutes.
- Completed Speech - Typed and double spaced (50%)
- Advertising Campaign - A motto, a list of communications mediums to advertise and a campaign poster (25%)
- Speech Presentation - Five to seven minutes long (25%)
Have fun and don't be afraid to think outside the box!!
Modeling (15 min)
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will show examples of political speeches and campaign posters used by candidates throughout history.
Guided Practice (80 min)
The instructor will place the students in groups of four. Each group will assign the roles for the participants. The students will complete each deliverable for the Presidential candidate assignment.
Checks for Understanding (40 min)
The students will present their campaign speeches to the class along with their campaign poster. The speeches will be presented based on the political parties. For example: first the Republican candidates will present and then the Democrat candidates will present. The students from the opposite political party will then vote for the best candidate by secret ballot.
Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will provide a brief lecture on the process of electing a President and the role of advertising and campaign funding.