Thirty Second Spot - 11th Grade U.S. History

Lesson Summary 
Working in groups of two, the students will create a thirty second television advertisement for one of the key historical vocabulary words of the period in America just after World War II.  One student will be responsible for copy while the other student will be responsible for artwork.  Each team will develop a storyboard to present to the class.  For extra credit, the students can provide a video of the completed commercial. 

California Academic Standard(s)
  • 11.8 – Students analyze the economic boom and social transformation of post-World War II America. 
  • 11.9 – Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.

Time Frame
(3) to (4) 50 minute classes

The students will learn critical thinking skills in a team environment while acquiring knowledge about key economic, social and foreign policy events in America in the period after World War II.

Learning Styles
  • Linguistic
  • Auditory
  • Social
  • Intrapersonal
  • Logical
Lesson Plan 
Anticipatory Set (10 min) 
The instructor will show a video clip of a 1950’s advertisement.  The instructor will briefly discuss how the advertisement industry became the fastest growing industry in the 1950s.

Direct Instruction (10 min) 
The instructor will provide a handout to the students with directions about the project and twenty historical vocabulary words relating to the 1950’s and the early Cold War period.  The instructor will describe the directions to the students and answer any questions.

Working in groups of two, you will need to create a 30 second advertising script for a vocabulary word.  The goal will be to sell the vocabulary word to the class. 

The script will include the following:
  • Location(s) - Describe the location of the advertisement.  (Ex: In a studio, golf course, deserted Island)
  • Scene Description – Describe each scene in the advertisement.  There may be just one scene or there may be multiple scenes depending on the advertisement.  You may want to develop a graphic to demonstrate the scene but it is not mandatory.
  • Dialogue – Develop a script for the advertisement.  You may just have a voice over, people talking or both.
  • Props Description – If any props will be used in the advertisement, describe what they are and how they will be used.
One individual in the group will be responsible for copyrighting and the other for art direction.  Each group will present their advertisement script to the class and submit the script to the teacher.

Be Creative and Have Fun!

Modeling (5 min)
The instructor will take a historically relevant vocabulary word from another unit and provide ideas on how the word can be presented in a 30 second television advertisement.

Guided Practice (10 min) 
The instructor will place the students in groups of two. The students will have ten minutes to review the vocabulary words and decide which word will be used for the advertisement.  The instructor will walk around the room making sure each group remains on task.  Each group will submit their vocabulary word to the instructor.

Guided Practice (60 min)
In each group, the students will pick the art director and the copywriter.  The students will complete the script and be ready to present it to the class.  The instructor will work with each group to make sure they are completing the project correctly.

Checks for Understanding (50 min) 
The students will present their scripts to the class.  If students have completed an extra credit video for the commercial, the students must first present the script and then show the completed commercial.

Direct Instruction (10 min)
The instructor will summarize the lesson by discussing the vocabulary words and have the students provide feedback about the advertisements and how they relate to the vocabulary word.

To support teachers across the country, I've created history lesson plans for secondary schools.  From 6th grade to 12th grade, les...