Business Plan Lesson 5 - 12th Grade Economics

Organization and Finance Section

Anticipatory Set (10 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states “If you needed money to start a business, where would you look?”  The instructor will ask the students to take 2 minutes and think about words to describe the product.  The instructor will ask the students to answer and place the answers on the board.

Direct Instruction (10 min)
The instructor will ask the students to take out their business plan directions simultaneously showing them on the projector.  The instructor will discuss the necessary elements to complete the Organization and Finance Section for the Business Plan.  The instructor will ask if there are any questions.

Guided Practice (30 min)
The instructor will assign the students in groups of two.  The instructor will provide each group an index card that has the name of company and what they provide.  For example, Joe’s Lawn Care providing landscaping needs to small businesses.  The students will discuss what type of business organization the business is (LLP, Sole Proprietorship, and Corporation) and where the organization should look to get money or investment for the business.  The students will write down their answers on a separate piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.  The instructor will ask each group to provide their answers.

Modeling (5 min)
The instructor will take a business example and demonstrate what type of business organization it is and where it should look for money.

Independent Practice (1 min)
The instructor will remind the students of the completion date for the Organization and Finance Section of the Business Plan.

Checks for Understanding
The students will submit the Organization and Finance Section to the instructor on the specified date.  The instructor will review the Organization and Finance Section for errors or omissions and meet with each individual or group to discuss changes for the final version.

To support teachers across the country, I've created history lesson plans for secondary schools.  From 6th grade to 12th grade, les...