Lesson Summary
Working in groups, the students will develop and teach a course about either science, art, philosophy or business of the Renaissance period.
California Academic Standard(s)
- 7.8 - Students analyze the origins, accomplishments and geographic diffusion of the Renaissance.
Time Frame
Five to Seven (50 minute classes)
The students will develop critical thinking, organizational, presentation, social and writing skills while gaining a deep understanding of the origins and accomplishments of the Renaissance.
Learning Styles
- Linguistic
- Auditory
- Social
- Physical
- Logical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will show examples of Renaissance art and Medieval art. The instructor will emphasize how Renaissance art is based on realism rather than just religion.
Direct Instruction (15 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss the origins and elements of the Renaissance. The instructor will provide the following handout:
Renaissance Vocabulary
Provide a summary for the following:
- Humanism
- Secular
- Utopia
- Shakespeare
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Machiavelli
- Erasmus
- Gutenberg
- Indulgence
- Republic
- Patron
- Mercantilism
The instructor will provide the students with the following handout:
Renaissance College
Working in your team, you will take one of the following areas of the Renaissance and research the important elements of it so you can teach it to the class:
- Scientific Discoveries of the Renaissance
- Art and Literature of the Renaissance
- Religion and Philosophies of the Renaissance
- Business and Trade of the Renaissance
For the subject assigned to your team, you will complete the following:
- Research the topic area using the textbook and websites (make sure to document websites)
- Create outline to organize the lesson
- Write the lesson
- Practice the lesson
- Present the lesson
Each team member will work together to complete the lesson. However, each team member will lead one of the following:
- Research
- Outline
- Lesson Details
- Presentation of the Lesson
Modeling (20 min)
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will show an example of a detailed lesson plan that was previously presented to the class.
Guided Practice (150 - 200 min)
The instructor will place students in their teams and assign a section of the Renaissance for each team. The students will assign each team member a lead for the area to be completed (research, outline, lesson, presentation). The students will then complete the lesson plan and practice it for their presentation.
Checks for Understanding (50 - 100 min)
Each group will present their Renaissance lesson to the class.
Checks for Understanding
Each group will submit their lesson plan to the instructor.
Checks for Understanding
Each student will submit their Renaissance vocabulary to the instructor.