The students working in groups and independently will identify key programs implemented in the New Deal and develop a government or private sector program for today to help stimulate the U.S. economy and create higher employment.
California Academic Standard(s)
- 11.6.4 - Analyze the effects and controversies arising from New Deal economic policies and the expanded role of the federal government in society and the economy since the 1930's (e.g. Works Progress Administration, Social Security, National Labor Relations Board, farm programs, regional development policies and energy development projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, California Central Valley Project and Bonneville Dam).
- Class Time 2 1/2 (50 minute classes) Great for Block
- Total Time 4 days
The students will acquire critical thinking, social, reading and writing skills while understanding the key programs implemented during the New Deal.
Learning Styles
- Linguistic
- Auditory
- Social
- Intrapersonal
- Logical
Anticipatory Set (10 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states, "How would you go about solving a problem?" The instructor will allow the students two minutes to think about the question. The instructor will call on random students to answer the question and write the answers on the board.
Direct Instruction (10 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss the New Deal and provide the students with the following handout:
The New Deal
Working with a partner, you will research the following New Deal programs, organizations and laws:
- Emergency Banking Relief Act
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Glass-Steagall Act
- Securities Exchange Commission
- Home Owners' Loan Corporation
- Farm Credit Administration
- Public Works and Emergency Relief Program
- National Labor Relations Act
- Social Security Act
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- National Housing Act
Modeling (5 min)
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will demonstrate a brief summary for one of the New Deal directives.
Guided Practice (25 min)
The instructor will place the students in groups of two. The students will complete the New Deal handout.
Checks for Understanding (15 min)
The instructor will call on random groups to provide a summary for the New Deal directives. The students will then submit their papers to the instructor.
Direct Instruction (5 min)
The instructor will tell the students that they will develop a program or initiative to stimulate the U.S. economy and increase employment. The instructor will write the following question on the board: What are some problems or issues that exist today?
Modeling (1 min)
The instructor will write one of today's problems on the board. Ex: Climate Change
Guided Practice (10 min)
The instructor will place the students in groups of two and the the students will come up with a minimum of four problems that exist today.
Checks for Understanding (10 min)
The instructor will call on random students to provide a problem of today and the instructor will write the answers on the board.
Direct Instruction (5 min)
The instructor will provide the students with the following handout:
The New-er Deal
Working independently, you will take a problem of today and create a program to solve it that will stimulate the economy and create employment. The program can be government-based or done in the private sector. The program will include:
- Name
- The problem it is created for
- A brief description of the program and how it will stimulate the economy and create employment
- A detail description of how the program will work so that someone who wants to implement the program will have all the key information they need.
The instructor will take a problem and create a program that can address it while stimulating the U.S. economy and creating employment. (Ex: To address climate change, the government can pay people to paint the tops of commercial buildings white to reflect more light. For completing this work, the people will receive funding for a college education.)
Independent Practice
The students will complete the New-er Deal handout
Checks for Understanding
The students will submit their papers to the instructor.
Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will engage the students in a discussion regarding their ideas and programs to solve today's problems while stimulating the U.S. economy. The instructor will then compare some of today's programs with the ones of the New Deal.