Lesson Summary
The students
working independently will design and create a newspaper that includes
articles, advertisements and map illustrations regarding geographic, political,
religious and social structures during the development of Rome. (NOTE: To supplement this lesson, it is imperative
to include additional active lessons regarding mythical and historic figures of
Rome, the rise of the Roman Empire, government structures of Rome, the rise of
Christianity and art and science achievements of Rome)
California Academic Standard(s)
6.7 –
Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious and social
structures during the development of Rome.
Time Frame
Three Weeks
The students
will develop critical thinking, research and writing skills while analyzing the
geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures during the
development of Rome.
Learning Styles
- Linguistic
- Auditory
- Intrapersonal
- Logical
- Physical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set
instructor will pass out various newspapers to the students. The instructor will write a question on the
board that states “What do you notice about the design of the newspaper?” The instructor will call on random students
to answer and provide the responses on the board.
Direct Instruction
instructor will briefly introduce the students to the development of the
Rome. The instructor will provide the
students with the following handout:
The Roman Times
You will pretend to start a newspaper in Rome. The newspaper is called “The Roman Times.” You will be responsible for designing the
newspaper, writing the articles and producing the completed paper.
The newspaper must include the following:
- A brief biography of Cincinnatus, Julius Caesar, or Cicero
- An article describing the government of the Roman Republic
- A visual map showing the locations of the Roman Empire in 271 AD
- An article describing the spread of Christianity in Roman territories and Europe
- Two advertisements for a piece of literature, art or technology of ancient Rome
Each article will need to be typed and
single spaced. You may type the articles
in column form. (We will discuss in class).
The newspaper will be on a poster board (22
X 28)
You will design the newspaper’s Masthead. The Masthead is the title of the
You will organize the articles, map and
advertisements on the newspaper so it fits well and is easy to read.
Be creative and have fun!
Using the
computer and overhead, the instructor will show examples of the key items every
newspaper includes in its design.
Independent Study
The students
will design, write and produce a newspaper about the development of Rome.
Direct Instruction
instructor will engage the students in a discussion regarding each section of
the newspaper to summarize the knowledge obtained during the project.