Political Advertising Awards - 12th Grade Government

Lesson Summary
The students working independently will evaluate various political advertisements from multiple eras and multiple communication platforms.  For each advertisement, the students will evaluate the content, effectiveness and societal impact.

California Academic Standard(s)
12.8 – Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the influence of the media on American political life.

Time Frame
(2) 50 minute classes (Great for Block)

The students will attain critical thinking skills while evaluating and defending positions on the influence of the media on American political life.

Learning Styles

  • Auditory
  • Musical
  • Logical
  • Linguistic
  • Intrapersonal

Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set
The instructor will write a question on the board that states “What makes an effective advertisement?”  The instructor will give the students two minutes to think about the question.  The instructor will ask random students to answer the question and place the answers on the board.

Direct Instruction
The instructor will tell the students that they will be analyzing different political advertisements.  The instructor will provide the following handout:

Political Advertising Awards

You will be shown three political advertisements in the following categories:

  • Print
  • TV
  • Internet

For each political advertisement, you must evaluate the following:

  • What is the subject of the advertisement?
  • Who is the target of the advertisement?  
  • How effective is the advertisement? Explain.
  • What is the positive or negative impact of the advertisement on society?  Explain.

After viewing each advertisement in the category, rate them from one to three in order of which advertisement you believe is the best one. 

Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will show a political advertisement and provide a full evaluation including the subject, target, effectiveness and societal impact of the advertisement.

Guided Practice
Using the computer and overhead, the instructor will show three television, print and internet political advertisements.  The instructor will allow the students five to ten minutes to complete their evaluation of the advertisement.

Checks for Understanding
Once the evaluations are complete, the instructor will call on random students to provide their evaluations of the advertisements.

Direct Instruction
The instructor will tally up the ratings of the advertisements for each category to surmise which one has been rated the best.  The instructor will lead a discussion regarding the reasons why the winners and losers were selected.

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