Supply and Demand Seminar - 12th Grade Economics

Lesson Summary
Working in groups, the students will research an area of supply and demand for the purpose of developing a lesson plan to teach the class.  The lesson developed must involve participation of every student.  Each group will present their lesson to the class.

California Academic Standard(s)
  • 12.2.1 - Understand the relationship of the concept of incentives to the law of supply and the relationship of the concept of incentives and substitutes to the law of demand.
  • 12.2.2 - Discuss the effects of changes in supply and/or demand on the relative scarcity, price, and quantity of particular products.
Time Frame
 (2) 50 minute classes (Great for Block)
The students will achieve critical thinking and presentation skills while understanding the key concepts of supply and demand.

Learning Styles
  • Linguistic
  • Auditory
  • Social
  • Physical
  • Logical
Lesson Plan
Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states "What are some ways a teacher can involve students in a lesson to make it more interesting?"  The instructor will tell the students to think about the question for two minutes.  The instructor will call on random students to answer the question and put the answers on the board.

Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss the concepts of supply and demand and provide the students with the following handout:

Supply and Demand Seminar

Each group will be assigned a section of either chapter four or five of the textbook.  The group will be responsible to teach the class about the subject matter covered in the textbook section using a class activity.  The activity must include:

  • Participation of all students in the class
  • Each key concept of the section covered
  • The activity must be no shorter than 10 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes.

Each student in the group must have a role in the lesson presentation. The goal of the assignment is for each student in the class to understand the main concepts provided in each section of chapter four and five.

Each group will hand in a detailed description of the lesson plan provided to the class.  If the lesson includes any written class work, the class work should be attached to the lesson plan. 

Modeling (10 min)
The instructor will use the computer and overhead to demonstrate a student-centered lesson plan previously provided to the class.

Guided Practice (30 min)
The instructor will place students in groups of four.  The instructor will assign a section of the supply and demand chapters to each group.  Each group will learn the concepts from the section and develop a lesson plan that will include the participation of all the students in the class.  The group will also assign each member a role in the lesson presentation.

Checks for Understanding (40 min)
Each group will present their student-centered lesson to the class.  Each group will then submit their detailed description of the lesson plan along with any written class work completed by the students.

Direct Instruction (15 min)
The instructor will summarize each lesson plan to the class and lead a discussion for the class to provide feedback on the effectiveness of each lesson.

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