Start a New Country Lesson 4 - 12th Grade Government

Citizenship Parameters and Political Parties

Anticipatory Set (15 min)
The instructor will write a question on the board that states “Do we need political parties?  Why?”  The instructor will tell the students to take 2 minutes and think about their answer(s).  The instructor will ask the students to provide answers and the instructor will write them on the board.

Direct Instruction (20 min)
The instructor will briefly discuss the evolution of political parties and how an individual becomes a citizen.  The instructor will ask the students to answer the following: 

  • Provide three reasons why there should be political parties
  • Provide three reasons why there should not be political parties
  • What is the process for individuals in three different countries (excluding the  United States) to become a citizen?

Modeling (10 min)
The instructor will provide one reason why there should be and should not be political parties.  The instructor will provide the process of becoming a United States citizen.

Guided Practice (40 min)
The instructor will place students in groups of two to answer the questions about political parties and the process of becoming a citizen. 

Checks for Understanding (20 min)
The instructor will call on random groups to provide answers and the instructor will write the answers on the board.

Independent Practice (60 min)
The students/groups will establish the rules for political parties and the process to become a citizen for their new country. 

Checks for Understanding (30 min)
The instructor will review the completed citizenship parameters and political parties section of each country and provide individual feedback to the students/groups to make any possible changes or additions.

Independent Practice (80 min)
The students/groups will create a final version of their report and create a presentation that will be presented to the class. 

Independent Practice (100 min)
The students/groups will present their new country to the class.

To support teachers across the country, I've created history lesson plans for secondary schools.  From 6th grade to 12th grade, les...